Alides - 125 years of Group Maes
Being top of mind amongst clients, that’s what Alides aimed for at the occasion of their 125th jubilee. Thanks to a solid communication plan in the run-up to the jubilee event, clients relived the business’ history. To this end, Alides, part of Group Maes, engaged Dazzle Events. The event organiser proposed a rather unique idea: old-school View-Masters, which took invitees back into time.
“Never before have I received such unique event invitation. Well done for creativity and originality!”, claimed Daniel Termont, mayor of the City of Ghent, in his speech.
Thanks to this approach, Dazzle Events not only put the company in the spotlight, but also Alides’ identity as an investor, developer and real estate manager.
An impressive marquee complex was built to receive the 350 guests.