Fidelity - P & A

Private event: a wedding in a beautiful flower garden
Most of our clients are B2B clients, but occasionally we also get to help organise a great private event. Peter and Anneliese’s wedding was one such event.
We know Peter through our previous collaboration with Phormium, the company he works for. When he and his fiancée Anneliese wanted to organise a wedding party for more than 350 guests, the couple involved us in its organisation from the very beginning.
“A year before our wedding, we contacted Dazzle Events. We didn’t want a very classic wedding, but a party in our garden. Then, of course, you have to arrange everything: the catering, a tent, tables, chairs, the toilet, … That’s why we wanted to outsource this to one partner, and we were confident that Dazzle Events could help us with this perfectly.
– Peter Ollevier, groom
A party that exudes the couple's dna
Using mood boards, we started working with them: how could we design the event that was to be the most beautiful day of their lives? With companies, we involve the dna of the company in our organisation, but a wedding is no different in this: it should be a very personal celebration, in which the dna of both partners and of them as a couple is given a prominent place.

Flowers and butterflies
Peter and Anneliese had just had their garden fully landscaped, so this little gem was the setting for their party. We set up a sailcloth tent in the garden, which we blended in completely with the surroundings, their flower garden.
During the preparations, it became clear that butterflies also had to have their place in the event; even during the invitation process, these colourful little animals could not be ignored.
Working out the customer’s wishes creatively down to the smallest detail is what we stand for. With our B2B customers, but also with our private customers. Because do we want to completely unburden our customers so that they can fully enjoy the day of their lives? We are happy to put our shoulders to the wheel! From invitations to toilet trucks, we think of every detail.